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Apply flexible quantity discounts to speed up sales

Quantity Discounts allows you to easily apply quantity price breaks for each product based on a minimum quantity.

Maintain accurate pricing

If you have volume pricing for your products, you might have to maintain multiple and complex spreadsheets with all the product details and their respective price breaks at various quantities.

  • Reducing Errors

Quantity Discounts in Unleashed simplifies the special pricing process for you by removing reliance on manual spreadsheets and reducing the chances of errors being made, including giving the wrong prices to your customers.

Accurate margins dashboard

Pricing for promotions

Got a promotion coming up? With Quantity Discounts, you can set a discounted price for the duration of your promotion without needed to set a specific quantity. This allows you to easily give the correct discounted price whenever you run a promotional activity.

Easily apply discounts

Apply quantity discounts easily. In your product details, simply enter the minimum quantity and its respective price. Unleashed will store the price and automatically apply it to sales orders.

Lock in your customers

If you’re in a highly competitive market, volume discounts can get your customers to commit to a purchase and help you secure valuable market share.

Try Unleashed free for 14 days. No credit card required.