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Client Spotlight: Audio Magic

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by Melanie

Posted 06/04/2016

Audio Magic work with the very best audio suppliers and use Unleashed to provide all aspects of Hi-Fi inventory management. We’re excited to be working with this hi-fi Aussie startup; but don’t be deceived, Audio Magic’s owners bring over a decade of experience working with top tier global audio suppliers in the European market.

What does your business do?

Audio Magic is a specialized distributor and wholesaler of hi-end audio equipment, focused on premium European and worldwide brands, such as Harbeth, Lavardin, Lindemann, Bauer Audio, Tellurium Q, Hi-Fi Racks and Hana. We import loudspeakers, amplifiers, network players, turntables, audio cables and other audio accessories and sell these products to our dealer network in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. We also sell our products online and ship everywhere in Australia. Our goal is to continue to expand our dealer network. Our products are most desired by people who really love music and quality sound - not just the mp3’s on their headphones or in their cars - but anyone really who enjoys the complete experience of listening music in their homes.

What’s one of your favorite hi-fi product ranges?

Our favorite product range is definitely the Harbeth loudspeaker. For almost 40 years Harbeth have refined the BBC loudspeaker legacy, creating loudspeakers in worldwide demand for their unbeatable clarity and resolution. They are very well known all over Australia, and we are excited to represent the brand ‘down under’. Harbeth is most famous for their unimaginable natural sound, which corresponds best with acoustic music, such as jazz or classical. From the shoebox-sized P3 to the mighty Monitor 40.2, every Harbeth is a unique combination of tradition and technology.


We are also very fond of our Lindemann musicbook series, network players in touch with modern tendencies such as music streaming services such as Tidal and Deezer. Audio technology nowadays brings the quality of digital audio files to a completely new level, and Lindemann is one of the most advanced and prestigious brands in the world that offers this kind of audio experience.


Why do you think your customers like this product range so much?

Probably the most important reason why people like Harbeth speakers so much is that they are pure quality! Harbeth are very traditional with their design and image among audiophiles, while focusing entirely on technical improvements to their speakers over the years. Everyone who buys their speakers is certain of one thing: Harbeth means you are buying a quality solution today which will sounds just as perfect in 5 or in 30 years. Harbeth have a clear and natural sound, which is always in fashion - they are technically perfect, this product is long lasting.

Can you give us a brief history of your business and the growth it has experienced so far?

Our business in Australia started only a year ago, but we have more than 10 years of distribution experience in Europe through our former Serbian company One-HiFi, which distributed premium worldwide brands such as Sonus Faber, Accuphase, Naim, Linn, Harbeth, Rega, Devialet and others. Through this experience we’ve established many great contacts that have provided us with a starting point for our new business in Australia. It’s fair to say that we’re certainly no beginners – quite the opposite. We’re a distributor with a great reputation in audiophile circles, and also among famous hi-fi brands owners. Of course Australia is a completely new market for us so even with this kind of experience it was a big challenge to start the same kind of company again, in a different country. When we first started we had just one office, warehouse and a website with an online shop. But now we’ve grown already by signing on a couple of dealers in the Melbourne area, such as Class A Audio and Wyndham Audio. We now already have eight dealers in three Australian territories as listed on our website, a great collaboration with hi-fi website StereoNet and an Australian Hi-Fi magazine. And now we are looking forward to improving our visibility even more.

How is Unleashed helping your business grow?

Unleashed’s inventory management software makes it easy to work with all our dealers in the hi-fi industry. Of course, we are also hoping that this interview will raise awareness about our business and the brands we are representing.

Is there something you are particularly excited for your business right now?

We are always excited when we have a chance to arrange a presentation and meet our customers in person, for example during the special ‘Harbeth Sunday’ event at Class A Audio, in December. Our first mayor presentation on an Australian Hi-Fi show will be in July and we are very excited about this.

Is there something your business in particularly proud of?

We are particularly proud of our great relationship with Harbeth’s owner and staff, and a chance to promote such an established, relevant end “everlasting” hi-fi company, in such a great market as Australia.
Melanie blog profile picture

By Melanie

Article by Melanie Chan in collaboration with our team of Unleashed Software inventory and business specialists. Melanie has been writing about inventory management for the past three years. When not writing about inventory management, you can find her eating her way through Auckland.