software lets you break down Assemblies easily & save time

Purchasing assembled products or processing returns? Break them down quickly with Disassembly
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Reduce the hidden cost of Purchases and Returns

Time spent manually breaking down assemblies into components is a hidden cost you can’t account for. Unleashed ensures you can automatically disassemble goods after purchase or return.

Purchasing in bulk and wanting to automatically convert goods to smaller units? See the Multiple Units of Measure page.

Easy Setup

Configure bulk purchases to automatically disassemble into their component parts, ready to store, use or sell.

Allocate Costs

Apply costs to the disassembly process to get accurate reporting on your margins.

Don’t keep your customers waiting

Keep your customers happy with quick returns and no delay. Return kitted items to your inventory without complicated processes, making it easy for yourself and your customer.

Quick Processing

Returned stock can be automatically disassembled so you can quickly process the transaction for your customer.

Margin Visibility

Maintain clear oversight of your margins by monitoring disassembled purchases, returns and their costs with Unleashed’s in-depth reporting.

Track where your stock has been, and where it’s going

Do away with inefficient spreadsheets. Use Unleashed’s manual disassembly process to apply serial and batch number tracking to your inventory so you can trace your goods from purchasing to sale.


Apply serial and batch tracking numbers to your stock as they’re disassembled into component parts to track their movements.

Centralised Data

With all your information in Unleashed, you can get rid of error-prone spreadsheets.
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Disassembly FAQs

Contact us today if you have more questions about how Disassembly can work for your business.
inventory software reporting feature
No. During the disassembly, a serial or batch number must be assigned to all the component products, so these disassemblies must be done manually.
You can use only one Bill of Materials per product to break it down into component products; however, a component product can result from more than one disassembled finished good.
Each product can be toggled as being ‘Can Auto-assemble’ and ‘Can Auto-Disassemble’ on a Bill of Materials. No separate Bill of Materials is needed. Manual disassemblies can be create under the Production menu.